3 Track Custom Racetrack Folding Board

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SKU: 32610
Size: 19 in x 6 in x 0.75
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Here's a three track continuous folding board which you can order in a choice of woods.  It measures approx 6" wide, 19" long when open and 3/4" thick.

It holds two decks of cards and 6 metal pegs, and this hinged design has two brass hinges and is held closed by four rare earth magnets.  The price includes engraving on the top.

The top four edges have a generous chamfer adding to the style of the board.  After sanding smooth, this board is brushed with shellac to protect the wood.



From purchasers of this board:

Hi Marty, We just got the board in the mail this morning and it looks WONDERFUL! Thank you so much for the quality work you put into these cribbage boards. It is going to make a great gift. Thanks,  Cameron T.,  Fort Collins, CO


Hi Marty,  We received our board last week and are so excited about it, it's perfect!! Thank you and David so much, we couldn't be more excited to give it to the happy couple! We're sure they're going to love it!  Sam O.,  Somerville, MA