
SKU: 72601
Size: 7 in x 6.5 in x 0.75
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Rogue Pocket Score Board

Rogue is a new dice game invented by Kirk Dennis. 

This board is approved by Kirk, and the price includes a licensing fee that he'll use to support the Rogue-playing community.

The instructions are linked above and a YouTube video is available here:


Here's a pocket score board available in a variery of woods that stores six dice and metal pegs inside.

The image and numbers are engraved into the surface of the wood, then hand painted with black acrylic. 

This hinge-less design is held closed by eight rare earth magnets, with one pair of magnets in the side/end to hold the two halves together during play.

One pair of end/side magnets is usually sufficient, but if you want two pairs, you can choose that option when placing your order.


Choose the portrait version for this style of board:


Or choose the landscape version if you prefer this shape of playing area: 


The price includes having your character picture engraved and hand painted on the top.

The board comes with 16 metal pegs (4 each of 4 metals - brass, copper, stainless and black steel) but we do not supply the dice.


Kirk recommends purchasing your dice here:

Please mention you are ordering "Rogue" dice.

Once you have your dice character picked out, we can work with you on the board design - You can upload an image with your order.

If you would like to see a mockup before placing your order, please contact us by email.


The edges have a generous chamfer adding to the style of the board. After sanding smooth, this board is brushed with shellac to protect the wood.


We are also developing a large box style board with built in felt-lined dice tray - check back here for developments!